The First Important Steps to Navigating Ambiguity

“The greatest danger in times of turbulence is not the turbulence – it is to act with yesterday’s logic.” – Peter Drucker

The business world thrives on change. Approximately 627,000 new businesses and 30,000 new products are launched every year. Each has the potential to alter our habits and spur more innovation. For C-suite executives of successful organizations, stagnation is never an option.

Still, there are times when change happens with such immediacy and severity that it feels more like a crisis. An ambiguous future can make the wisest Presidents, CEOs, and Founders feel unprepared.

Leaders Must Expect the Unknown 

Even in quiet and profitable years, effective leaders must be prepared for change. Embracing the unknown will give you a distinct competitive advantage to innovate new ways of thinking.

Studies show that when people fear uncertainty, they will choose a course of action that makes them feel secure again, even if it defies logic. And the ability to make a quick and thoughtful decision is based, in part, on the perceived difficulty of the problem. By viewing disruptions as inevitable instead of random, leaders are positioned to make the best possible decision for the organization.

Having the right mindset is the first step towards a brighter tomorrow.

Adapt Your Leadership Style 

Now is the time for company leadership to listen, learn and collaborate throughout all levels of the organization. This meaningful engagement eases fear and encourages proactive innovative thinking, unveiling new opportunities.

The organization with leadership that encourages advancement during this ambiguous time will gain a competitive advantage and ensure sustained momentum.

Executives Unlimited and Ensight Partners has a long history of supporting and advising leaders through dramatic changes. We think of ambiguous times as opportunities, and can help you take the steps needed to build a resilient organization with innovative 21st Century leaders.