Three Ways to Become Change Ready as a Leader

“By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.”

― Benjamin Franklin

By observing everything in this world from seasons to societies to celestial bodies, we discover that the only constant thing in life is change.

Although most of us don’t like to admit it, no matter how much stagnation we endure, our old friend change can come knocking at any moment. When it does, it’s imperative to be prepared — especially for business leaders.

For them, the stakes that come with the change are higher; not only do they have to pay attention to the big picture, but they need to help their teams navigate the situation successfully as well.

So, if you feel a change looming, or if one has already taken place, use these tips to steer yourself, your team, and your organization to success.

1) Clarify Everything

Nothing creates confusion like change.

Anything from a merger to layoffs to simply reorganizing the break room can be enough to make teams lose sight of the big picture.

As such, when change strikes, a leader must be there to break the situation down into easily-digestible pieces, letting their teams know what’s happening and how it applies to their jobs.

Beyond this, staying focused on the big-picture is essential when navigating change. Doing so helps employees avoid being bogged down in the nuances of the situation, freeing them to focus on how they can drive productivity.

So, when change occurs, a leader must take it as an opportunity to remind everybody of the company’s strategies, vision, and mission, using these as a guiding light to create progress.

2) Build Resilient Teams

Resilience isn’t only an ideal quality for an executive – it’s important for all team members. This essential quality is what allows teams to bounce back no matter what challenges stand in their way.

One key way to build resilience in teams is ensuring that multiple people know how to fill the basic duties behind each role. If this isn’t the case, it’s time to organize training days to ensure that employees are able to cover for one another should the need arise.

As such, if someone can’t be at work for an unexpected reason, a leader will have their bases covered while they take time to find a solution.

3) Always Be Proactive

Making a habit of completing work ahead of deadlines is another key way for leaders to prepare for change. By doing so, they’ll never be left scrambling, even when schedules are shifted at the last minute.

In fact, by being proactive when it comes to change, leaders are not only able to react to the changes coming their way, but they’re also able to be proactive about changes that they want to initiate, such as increasing efficiency, focusing on corporate culture, or being proactive about hiring.

Overall, if leaders and organizations take these tips to heart, they’ll be far better prepared to navigate the ever-changing tide of disruption that seems to be rising in the world.